So this week we had the opportunity to train in District Meeting, Sis. Clark and I. We were asked to train on the Role of the Holy Ghost in Conversion. Only like one of the greatest topics ever (then again, what topic of missionary work isn't the greatest?). That's one of the things that missionaries learn in 12 Week, or the program for new missionaries. And our zone does 12 Week in our districts after district meeting every week, plus we have 2 greenies out of 8, so it's pretty interesting. But we made them do this awesome role play where they had to figure out a real concern instead of the one that was stated. Example: the less active says "I had to take care of my goats on Sunday" when really they're deeper concern, the root of their concern is that they still believe in traditions and going to the medicine man. But the missionary doesn't know that, they're just trying to figure it out. It was one of the hardest role plays, but it was super fun, and it was awesome to hear all the feedback. So it went well :) Now this week we just have to tackle training in Zone Training...again :P
So we have an investigator who is awesome. Sis. Clark and Sis. Heck met with him before, but then he dropped off the face of the earth, and now he's back! We're teaching him and he's stellar. He's been reading the pamphlets and answering the questions in the back of the pamphlets, and he's almost done with 2 Nephi...he's just awesome. But, we meet with him outside his house, so this week we got to teach him in the snow. Yep. It happened. And then we met with him again with the Bishop's wife at the church, and she asked him what's caused him to change. And so he bore his testimony of the gospel and said he knew that this is what we needed to do. So never forget that!! You members have the Holy Ghost with you as your constant companion, and you are entitled to be guided by the Spirit when you go out with the missionaries, too. So do it! Go out with them, and when you do, speak up!
Okay, now for something funny. We went to go visit who was baptized last month, and her uncle was outside. Well, the uncle likes Sis. Clark, so we started talking with him on our way out to the car, and the wind was blowing a little and I caught a whiff of alcohol. But the uncle seemed sober. Well, next thing ya know, his son comes out from around the side of the house, and he is hammered. He walked over and started talking to us, and then he started just talking to me. So Sis. Clark was talking with the uncle, and left me to his drunken son. Hooray for companions, right? :P So she was talking to the uncle who was really interested in learning more, and I had to entertain his son until she was done. Well, he started telling me that his wife had just died and that it was really hard for him and he just needed someone to talk to. And then he started to be all like, you know, you seem like a really great person to talk to. Do you have a number where I could just call you and talk to you? And then kept going (so luckily I never had to give him my number). And he was like so what's your name and I told him and he laughed and said "that sounds like a Mexican name." Well, yes. Then he asked me how many kids I had. To which I replied none, and he said "not yet" and then laughed. AWKWARD! Finally Sis. Clark was done and we got to leave, and somehow I managed to escape without him hugging me. Thank goodness!!
Happy 1 year mark to me! |
Your challenge this week is to do a self-examination. Look at where you are at and ask yourself "in what areas can I be more obedient?" Because we're always working on being obedient, and exact obedience brings exact, specific, and a multitude of blessings. So do it!
And your scriptures are Doctrine and Covenants 82:10, Doctrine and Covenants 14:7, and also the section Obedience in Preach My Gospel on page 72. They're all awesome, and I love it all!
You guys are the greatest people I know!! Keep up the good work, and I know that you're being blessed for all the things you do that are keeping you focused and next to the Savior :)
I love ya!
Sister Gahyiisii
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