I've made it through another week! It's gone by quick, and I can't believe that I only have 6 months left. That's it. I'm only freaking out a lot!
Anyways, on to more happy things and things that we did this week!
I learned something about myself this week: I expect that when we knock on doors, a Native will answer. I was proven wrong this week, though. We went on exchanges in Gallup, NM, and I met all sorts of people. We met white people and people from the South with Southern accents and people who are Muslim and people who are Mexican....I was overwhelmed. So was Sis. Clark. Man was it good to be back amongst all the Navajos when I got back! I didn't realize how much I'm used to standing out now! Me and my white self. It's warmed up enough that I'm not wearing tights (but I heard that it's supposed to snow on Wednesday or Thursday, so we'll see what happens), and I forgot how white my legs were. Especially on the Rez.
I taught my lesson in Sunday School yesterday about Christ! It went really well, and I had a lot of participation, which made me really happy :) The class can be pretty quiet. But it all worked out, and I think everyone learned something from it! I know I did!
So ever since we went to Gallup we've been super stoked about going out and tracting. Tracting....has its pro's and cons. Lately Sis. Clark and I have changed our attitude about it. We've been feeling like it's ineffective (which, a lot of times it is), but now we're really excited to go out and meet people. The sisters in Gallup made it seem super easy and super fun, so we've changed our attitude and guess what!? We found a new investigator :) She is a sheep herder, so we are going to help her herd sheep sometime in the near future :) I'm stoked, and so is Sis. Clark! It's like a flashback to walking goats! ;) Anyways, we taught her about the Book of Mormon, and she seemed pretty interested! So that's exciting.
Also, we re-knocked this door that Sis. Clark and I tracted way back in July when we went on exchanges together, and the same girl answered the door! That was weird. We were both kind of at a loss of what to do, haha!
We had an awesome lesson this week with an investigator! He's a new investigator from last week, and he told us that he knew that Joseph Smith was a prophet and that he saw God and Jesus Christ. It was awesome, cuz he said that right after we recited the First Vision :)
Your challenge this week is to do something that will bring you closer to Christ. That's the challenge that I left in Sunday School :) Remember that you already chose to follow Christ once, and that your whole purpose in life is to become more like Him and our Heavenly Father. So pick something and work on becoming more like Christ! Don't worry, I'm doing it too :)
And your scripture is Ether 12:11, one that I shared in Sunday School that really stood out to me.
I love you all! Sorry this was short and all over the place! Just know that I'm doing really well, and I can feel the love and the prayers that you're sending my way :) I'm getting tired and worn out, but it's through my Heavenly Father that I'm making it through, and it's only by relying on His Son, my Savior.
Keep being great!
Sister Courtney Garcia
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